Aesthetic Medical News


Botox can actually make you look older

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The fact that Nicole Kidman’s face no longer moves is testament to how much Botox has taken over the cosmetic surgery industry. Nothing against Nicole Kidman, I love her, but if every A-list Hollywood star doesn’t stop injecting their faces soon, we as viewers, might be forced to face reality sooner than we thought. You see, Primpers, a recent study has revealed that Botox might actually make you look OLDER. Yes, older.

Let’s face it, after seeing what Botox (and a plethora of other procedures) has done to Carla Bruni, it’s no surprise, is it?

This debate is not a new one. Botox enthusiast Dr. Fredric Brandt has been arguing with research dermatologist Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone for ages over this topic. In an interview with Marie Claire, they had clear cut differences on the topic, with Dr. Brandt, the world leader in Botox injecting (probably due to the amounts he uses on himself) defending the procedure but saying botch jobs are due to poor technique. “It matters how and where, precisely, you inject it. Depending on the administering doctor’s skill, you’ll see the occasional “Dr. Spock” eyebrows — and in the worst cases, crooked mouths or droopy brows with heavy eyelids,” he said.

However, Dr. Perricone begs to differ, claiming “Someone who’s been on Botox for a while is going to look like a wrinkle-free older person.” And by older he means they’re expressionless and their facial features are flattened. NOT GOOD, Primpers.

There is now new evidence, thanks to an article in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology by Dr David Becker, an assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, that suggests Botox could potentially give you more wrinkles, too.

Here’s why. Your face is a funny thing. It likes to move. Back in the day, they never thought humans would inject themselves so that their face wouldn’t move, so you know, we’re not really meant to be frozen in time. As a result, our face finds other ways to move and in turn, you get wrinkles in new places, like around your nose. You may be stopping wrinkles in one place, but you’re getting them in another. You can’t fight it, Primpers. Unless of course, you inject your nose, too. Erm, me thinks not.

Dr David Becker’s findings revealed (courtesy of The Daily Mail) that ‘wrinkles caused by untreated muscles of facial expression paradoxically can become more prominent. Paralysis of a set of muscles might lead to recruitment of other muscle groups in an attempt to reproduce the conditioned activity being blocked – resulting in more prominent muscle activity in adjacent regions.’

What this may cause, Primpers, is an increase in wrinkles in other areas of your face. Especially around you nose. Like this…

Here’s the look I’m talking about…

It’s a tough situation to be caught in. We’re an anti-ageing society with increasing pressure to look perfect no matter what age we are and while some of us are happy to turn our backs on Botox, there’s a large proportion who are lining up for the stuff. I guess it’s time to consider the options, you know, really think about it and frown if you want to. That’s if your face will allow you to, of course.

Tell me Primpers…

What do you think of Botox?
Are you worried it’s going to make you look older?

Written by esthetik

May 19, 2010 at 8:59 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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